Hassio instalaltion Wifi configuration

Hi Realogics
man alive to get wifi up and running was a big problem until I found your post why they can’t put up proper instructions on the getting started page of the website I will never know. it’s so very easy if you have the right instructions.

anyways thanks for all your head banging and finding out all I can say to anyone is follow the advice above.

@jdmswong have you been able to figure out how to connect Hass.io to WiFi on Pi? I am on Mac and for the life of me couldn’t make it work. Tried so many re-installs and multiple ways. Would appreciate any help you could offer. I am using pi 4.

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The easiest way to do this in hass.io is to install the ssh add on and the you log on in the system and you can use this command:

nmcli d wifi connect my_wifi password

Easy and simple

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Absolutely bang on with this link!

I dont know if this can be useful, but after 5 attempts with sd’s folders creation/reflash sd/etc I finally format it in FAT 32, using win10 format default tool image , a USB stick and label it CONFIG, then plug into Linux system (ubuntu), create a network folder, my-network file, copy/paste from here using nano -> plug usb on raspi4, boot the raspi with 2A power supply and check my router page too see if raspi4 magically appear and then it did.

Unfortunately I’m unable to use any network tool while connecting to HassOS through SSH.

Is the any way to alter WiFi configuration on running system? Is there a config file I can use to change the network configuration without using USB method?

I’m using RPI3 based HassOS 3.7 with openSSH 8.1

Yes, with nmcli.

worked for me,… thank you so much…
i used boot sd card method… awesome.
my usb driver failed in rpi 3b+, finally your solution worked… it is a big relief for me

thank you dear