I have a working installation of Hassbian, which get datas from Mbus devices.
To achieve this, I collect datas through a python script that uses some libs/tools that I compiled on my raspberry 3B Hassbian installation.
In order to upgrade to Hassio in the future, I have installed Hassio on another raspberry 3B.
It works great, with add-on available, but now, in order to make my Mbus system on it,
I need to compile my tools on the raspberry.
I am totally newbie with docker. I don’t know how to install binaries on my Raspberry with Hassio
- how do I get to login ?
- what is root login on standard Hassio install?
- Once I would have compiled my lib, will I have permission to run additional tools from inside of Hassio/docker ?
As you can see, I have no clue where to start.
Thanks in advance