Hello ! Sorry for my English, but it’s very bad … thanks Google translat
I would like to install Hassio on my raspberry with Stretch installed, but I run into the same problem each time.
The installation of Python I installed Python 3.6.8, but when I want to install Home assistant after 1 or 2 minutes when I type “sudo pip3 install homeassitant” I have an error (homeassistant requires Python '> = 3.6. 1 'but the running Python is 3.5.3) where my problem comes from.
In French
Je voudrais installer Hassio sur mon raspberry avec Stretch d’installé, mais je me heurte a chaque fois au même problème.
L’installation de Python j’ai bien installé Python 3.6.8, mais quand je veux installer Home assistant après 1 ou 2 minutes quand je tape “sudo pip3 install homeassitant” j’ai une erreur (homeassistant requires Python ‘>=3.6.1’ but the running Python is 3.5.3) d’où vient mon problème.
Thanks Merci
Raspberry pi 3 B+
Boot USB 16Go
Écran tactile
If you want to use Python 3.6, ensure that you use the right commands. That’ll probably mean you have to create the venv (I’m assuming you’re following the right guide) you’ll do:
That middle line is the important one - it creates the venv with the right version of Python. Though, I’d highly recommend you jump to Python 3.7 since 3.6 will shortly be unsupported
but having an error like : 2020-09-16 15:10:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.command_line] Command failed: python3 /config/python_scripts/get_now.py