Hassio.io page does not load when using https

Hey all,

I have configured HA for https and the hassio.io link in the menu no longer works, I just get a blank page. I also use noip for my dns everything else’s works fine just not that page.

Here is my config

  api_password: !secret http_password
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

There’s a known issue with 0.75.0 on Hass.io. If you’ve not upgraded beyond that you should.

I have the same problem. Blank page on either http and https. Since I don’t have ssh on my Hassio setup, how can I update?
I am running Hassos 1.9 and HA 0.75

Details of how to do this can be found in the pinned messages on the #hassio channel on Discord.

Through the Discord messages, I’ve found and followed the instructions on https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/next/hassio_debugging.html and I still got connection refused.
Since I can’t access the Hassio page, I just plug the USB thumb drive into my rpi and called ‘hassio.host.reboot’. I have also make sure the authorized_keys does not contain ‘.pub’

What else has gone wrong here? Thanks