Recently Home Assistant started acting weird. It just crashed out of nowhere. It hasn’t done that in a long time but okay, I just reflashed HA to the sd card and restored my snapshot. Everything was fine and running good until it crashed again. This time the sd card wouldn’t format so i grabbed another one (16GB) and repeated the proces. Again running fine for a day and then crashed again. It keeps doing this. I installed the newest version of HA and hassio but that still doesn’t work. Whats also weird is that the cpu is constantly at around 4% usage but ram is constantly at around 88%. I also tried to install less addons. Now the only two that are running are mosquito broker and samba but that still doesn’t help. I’m also getting a lot of power management disabled messages. I’m running Hassio on an RPI 3B with a 5v 2,4A power supply.
Any ideas how i can fix this?