Hassio, Nginx, Certbot, Domains

Hi Everyone

Im pulling my hair out here trying to get Nginx working.

I have own a domain that I have cnamed to redirect to duckdns because I dont have a static IP.
I have several duckdns domains that I want to reverse proxy using the nginx addon in Hassio.

I cant seem to get the certs for my domain working (I know that I need to put some challenge on the domain but I dont know what this certbot addon needs)
I also am getting errors with my Duckdns proxying if I go direct without my personal domain, Nginx doesnt seem to reverse proxy properly.

Does anyone know how I can set this up?

Im trying to do the below for this addon:

  "vhosts": [
      "vhost": "redacted1.mydomain.com",
      "default_server": true,
      "certname": "rpi",
      "port": "8123"
      "vhost": "redacted2.mydomain.com",
      "port": "80",
      "default_server": false,
      "certname": "certname"
      "remote": "",
      "vhost": "redacted3.mydomain.com",
      "certname": "certname",
      "port": "8080"
      "remote": "",
      "vhost": "redacted4.mydomain.com",
      "certname": "certname",
      "port": "5050"
      "remote": "",
      "vhost": "redacted5.mydomain.com",
      "certname": "certname",
      "port": "8081"

And for this addon:

  "debug": false,
  "email": "myemail",
  "certificats": [
      "domains": "redacted1.mydomain.com,redacted2.mydomain.com,",
      "name": "certname"
      "domains": "redacted3.mydomain.com,redacted4.mydomain.com,redacted5.mydomain.com",
      "name": "certname"
  "ssl_only": false

I have managed to get all Duck dns domains working and encrypted but I have no idea how to get my domain to work as well. And ideas?