Had a power outage and can no longer use samba, ssh or web interface to get to hassio. This is on a raspberry pi 3b+. I was able to get the sd card on my computer and am able to see files using diskinternals disk usage, but wasn’t sure exactly what I need to backup? I see the configuration.yaml, automation.yaml etc. under the supervisor/homeassistant directory. I installed a new version of hassio as a vmware image and hoping I can transfer my setup, but wasn’t sure exactly what files/directories I need to move over. I also had node-red with some flows, but most things seem to be under supervisor?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you checked the router? Run an IP Scan program to make sure your Pi hasn’t been assigned a different IP address.
Thanks for the reply stevemann, I have checked the router and can see that the pi had connected(I had setup a static ip), but can’t connect to the web interface or ssh or use samba. I see this error in one of the logs, “Unable to load /config/known_devices.yaml: Config file not found: /config/known_devices.yaml” So not sure whats corrupt??
So, here’s a SWAG (remember I am not an expert), but you could try creating the file with nothing in it.
Also, did you ever make a snapshot image of the configuration?
No, unfortunately I did not create a snapshot, just starting out, so I thought I had some time. But have created a few light switches with node-red flows, and don’t want to redo everything if I don’t need to. I’m at work, so can’t check now, but I think I checked for a config directory to drop a blank know_devices.yaml and could’t find that directory? Do you know where that would be? It seemed most config(yaml) files were under something like supervisor/hassio? This is from memory, so I would need to check. Or if someone knows the files that need to be saved and transferred to a new hassio, I can grab those(hopefully have them all) and just move to a new instance of hassio since I’m thinking about moving off the raspberry to a VM image on a PC.