Hassio on Raspberry Pi tracking iBeacons?

I am trying to track whether a couple of bikes are at home. I thought to attach iBeacons to the bikes and then have Hassio, running on a Raspberry Pi 3, track their presence directly. The effective range only needs to be about 10m.

I have the iBeacons and got their MAC addresses, turned on the BTLE tracker and put the MAC addresses in Known_Devices. This worked for a while, but then Hassio could not see them any more. When I read up some more on iBeacons I found that they can change their MAC addresses periodically, so my plan won’t work.

So can anyone suggest how I can get my Hassio installation to keep track of whether the iBeacons are nearby? Thanks!

I haven’t used this yet, but plan to give it a try to solve a similar issue: