I’m pretty long time to set up and config with Home assistant, and I have quit a lot devices already in the system flashed ledtrips, switches and so. with tasmota. But still I’m pretty green with thous things
Now seems I must go from hassbian to Hass.io or something like that.
In Hass.io already have addon to paradox system for example. And like HA saying that Hass.io is beginner friendly
Because I have 3-4 synology on my network I installed clean install to synology docker and seems all works _ using right now my oled MQTT to communicate - and I’m not quit sure I can but it work on docker.BUT do I understand correctly for docker only hassbian version ? - because I added to configuartion.yaml “hassio:” and from info shows error for that ( that’s meen this is not Hassio ?
and for docker I don’t find how to add appdaemon ( like I remember in hassio was that in front end menu ?) but in docker ( when my installatsion is hassbian) then I can’t find the installation place - I find images for homeassistanat addons form docker registry, but thous I don’t know how them install ;(
But go to the new version in docker was supper easy and cool ( I installed that some time ago already and today I updated the system to 0.65.6