Hassio on Unraid (docker version) issue

Hi all,

I’ve followed @digiblur tutoria on YT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAh8_8u-Zw0) to install hassio_supervisor in unraid.

Its works but I have some issue I can’t solve. Basically everytime my appdata is backuped (once a week) and containers are reboot everything is starting but no in the good way.

The system is responsive but some addon (deconz-visual studio) are off and have to be manually trigged even if “start on boot” is flagged.
Some other are on (mqtt-valetudo mapper) but not working at 100% (some mqtt sensor are shown while some other no).

So what I have to do is manually turn on and then reboot HA istance. I’m the only one facing it?