Hassio os vs Hassio as docker on raspberry pi vs installed homeassistant on virtual env on raspberry

I am using Raspberry Pi 3b+,
I would like to know few things like
Which of the way is installation in less resource eater, which eats cpu less, uses low RAM and cpu.
And also a comparison of

  1. Hassio installed on docker on Raspberry pi 3b+
  2. Hassio OS
  3. HoneAssistant installed with virtual environment on Raspberry Pi 3b+

Please guide

I am using option 2 (HassOS) and typically see 2-3% CPU and ~22% memory.

I ran option 3 for a long time. For a given workload HassOS should have the lowest utilization because the underlying OS is just enough to support HA. While you could do that in any of these options, it would require you to install less, and not more stuff.

Dear, thanks for your reply,
Are u using raspberry Pi,
Which model,
What is CPU load?


I have a Pi 3 with an Aeotec Zwave stick. Its supporting roughly 20 zwave devices and some additional devices via mqtt. I had an existing MQTT server running on a separate Pi.
The CPU load is 3%.

This mine,
Hassio installed on docker with hassio_install on raspberry Pi 3b+.

This is with add-ons like
adb_server, grafana, mariadb, influxdb,