Hassio + pihole not displaying host names

I am using running hassio ( HA 104.3) with pi-hole 4.0.0 addon. I am using pi-hole DHCP server and edited all leased IP with hostnames but pi-hole still shows IP addresses. I have also tried to map the IP with name in pi-hole configuration still no joy. I looked at PI-hole forums and few suggested to edit /etc/host file and map IP and hostname there. When I tried the the hosts file gets back to default after reboot. I am stuck now. Does anyone knows solution to this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi! Same issue for me, with Hassio 104.3 and pi-hole 4.0.0. I assign Static IP address to my hosts in PiHole DHCP Server, but still only see IP Address instead Hostnames.

¿Any idea, please?

Same here. I tried a few things, no luck so far.

Same here, nothing is working… any ideas how this can be fixed?

Someone opened github issue https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-pi-hole/issues/119