HASSIO Refreshing Constantly

This just started a while ago… the UI keeps refreshing
I’m running " Home Assistant 0.102.3" on a vanilla Pi…

Its causing me to loose work… If I’m in Node-Red… and have not deployed a change… the changes since the last deployment are removed!
System log is empty
the Developer Tools log has

Error demuxing stream: No dts in packet
4:40 PM components/stream/worker.py (ERROR)
Z-Wave node 5 not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
4:39 PM components/zwave/__init__.py (WARNING)
Z-Wave entity Unknown Node 4 Switch (node_id: 4) not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
4:39 PM components/zwave/__init__.py (WARNING)
Z-Wave node 4 not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
4:39 PM components/zwave/__init__.py (WARNING)
Z-Wave entity Unknown Node 5 Switch (node_id: 5) not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
4:39 PM components/zwave/__init__.py (WARNING)
Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
4:39 PM helpers/entity.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 4:39 PM and shows up 39 times
Updating alexa_media media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10
4:39 PM helpers/entity_platform.py (WARNING)
Removing unknown panel community
4:38 PM components/frontend/__init__.py (WARNING)
You are missing the translations directory.
4:38 PM custom_components/hacs/constrains.py (CRITICAL)
[W] Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='192.1xx.xx', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /sony/accessControl (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x6baa7510>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
4:38 PM components/braviatv/media_player.py (ERROR)
Setup of person is taking over 10 seconds.
4:38 PM __main__.py (WARNING)

Nobody else is having this occur?

Having the same problem. I flashed my sd card today and started fresh to cleanup and while i’m in configurator or Lovelace changing the yaml it keeps refreshing, defaulting it last save.

version: 0.105.3 home assistant on Raspberry pi 3 b+

Same issue here.
It’s quite annoying!

version: 0.105.3 home assistant on Raspberry pi 4

I opened an issue on the Home Assistant repo: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/4894 Maybe the devs may find a solution for us :slight_smile:

I went through all my logs and found issues with Hacs. I did reinstall Hacs and the refreshing issue was gone.

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I’m having a similar issue that only popped up in the last week or so. You said you found something in your logs. What was showing up please?