Hassio share directory access

You need

    - /www

cheers! I’ll give it a try

so as per your previous post regarding the need to power cycle, would that be why…

…fails the config check??

There is a fix for an issue that resolves this, should be merged soon

cool. but a power cycle should work without crashing it? (I will be getting my girlfriend to power cycle since I’m away and therefore cant sort it out locally if it fails!)

Sorry I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by a power cycle?

Oh yes, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this

well, I tried the above code (without the ’ ') but it failed with the same error… causing HassIO to not load :tired_face:

Hi @sparkydave the fix is in 0.63.3 I believe, and this is not released yet. I’m also waiting on it to fix my Hassio instance :slight_smile:

I just ran the upgrade to 0.64.3 :grinning: so will try again…

are we thinking that with 0.64.3 I can add the below code to my config.yaml and simply do a homeassistant restart via SSH to get it included? I’m still not sure why that code is failing to load. It hangs my HassIO instance.

    - /www

I’ve since learned that www doesn’t need to be whitelisted, remove and restart please

hmmm. well the only reason I am trying this is because I have put my google file in there as part of the HTML5 setup but Google says it cant see the file to verify my domain…as per this thread. Sorry to spam :zipper_mouth_face:

Hi @robmarkcole. Did you get the “whitelist” working with the latest HA version? I gave up and had to revert back to 0.60 to get it working as I want :fearful:

It’s working for me on 0.64.3. Hassio is definitely a bit temperamental, SSH in and restart the hardware to ensure the whitelisting takes effect

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Do you have it like this? If not, please let me know :slight_smile:

    - /share

I wondering, because whatever I try it still gives the error. After a reboot It works, but then It wont let me restart HA ->config error.

If the folder is share, that’s correct. Check there is no trailing white space.
What’s the error log?

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Its the usual error in the log, mentioned above. But If you have it working I will give it a new try tonight. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Edit: I got it working, but HA does not like that I want to use /share, but /config works like a charm. So finally up and running again with current version :slight_smile: Thanks for help and motivation @robmarkcole

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Glad that works out @Rune :+1: