Hoping i can resolve this issue here
i want to run a Pi3 with Hassio on it at work for monitoring temps in some rooms. becuase of the internet setup at work i cannot load the image to the SD card and boot when its connected to the work network. so i took it home and booted it up and got it working. also installed SSH and Samba while it was at home.
now returning the Pi to work and attempting to login via its new local IP address it doesnt allow me to get to the dashboard.
i havent changed anything from the standard setup in the config file. i’ve tried multiple browsers with the same outcome.
i have today setup API password and trusted networks and still not able to bring up the dashboard. please help!!
here is the URL string after getting the failed login:
If you want basic Home Assistant on the Pi the easiest it probably the Hassbian image.
If you want Hassio, you can install Raspbian Lite on the Pi and then add Hassio. If this is what you wish, I can give further direction since I have done it.