Hassio unstable, needs to be sent to an asylum

Where do I find the logs to show me why it needs to be commited to the bonkers box?

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or if you have access to the config directory, home-assistant.log is the same log.

What are you talking about? Lol.

I have hassio running as a vm hosted by oracle virtual box on a win10 pc. It become non - responsive quite often. Almost daily. Now I haven’t tested if this is just the front end that stops responding or the entire automation system. Generally when the front end dies and stops responding I login to my mini pc over rdp and through the vm app execute a reboot of the vm. I can’t reach it locally or their nabucasa remote when it dies. This had been going on locally for about 2 weeks. I haven’t yet pinpointed a cause from the hang either. It happens currently at random. I’ll have to look at that log file age see if I can glean a issue from it.

The first two words are the issue.

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open the ha webgui and add /developer-tools/logs after the adress and port

I am having the exact same issue. Every 24 hrs after doing a “host reboot” my system will drop off from the UI side and notifications/automations.

I can login to the console in Virtualbox and perform “ha restart” to no avail, its “host reboot” that fixes it.

I’ve been on Discord this afternoon and it looks like the network IP address is being lost (for some reason). Tinkerer said he has heard a few people mention this recently.

I set mine via reserved DHCP, but set manually in the VM now as a suggestion from Discord.

If you want to try it here is the commands (take a snapshot before mind!)

there are just 2 commands

nmcli c mod $(nmcli -g uuid c) ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses "" ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ","

edit IP addresses for your situation

nmcli c up $(nmcli -g uuid c)

Credit to @Tommmii for these commands

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there’s a decent chance this is the problem. these are the same conditions that I face

just happened a bit ago. automations remain up, but its not available on the network. so I ran those commands and cycled the VM. we shall see what happens. Thanks for the info Strat!

Mines still up and running since 11:36am yesterday, I won’t count my chickens though until it makes a it through today as well.

Tinkerer seemed to think it could possibly be an issue with HassOS and VirtualBox as we are not the only ones to mention this very issue

36 hours nearly now, this is a good sign. Not going to get the party poppers out just yet though

Now 48hrs rock solid. This is a first in weeks. I think it could be the problem, now to understand what may be causing it

Same… staying up on network now. We shall see over the next day.

If this holds till tomorrow we should raise an issue

Somehow this super vaguely named thread may have solved my issue, thanks!

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heh… well the first two words are the key… Hassio Unstable. I couldn’t tell what was going on initially so it seemed Hassio was just hanging. with a little more time and what Strat said it fell into place.

Still up no failures yet.

I use Oracle Virtual Box. My entire network is vlanned, wifi’s for each vlan, all devices are on reserved IPs, even the VM. Network hardware is Ubiquity mostly. Hassio’s host machine is hooked into a netgear switch that then sends to the main ubi switch.

Home Vlan, IoT Vlan, Guest Vlan. host hangs out on Home and IoT through dual network connections.

Im going to raise an issue today. Can you please add to it when I post the link on here?

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Same here working a treat :slight_smile:

People if you could add a comment with your experience to the following issue I raised:

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Still operational. So now the question is… what interferes with the re-acquisition of the IP lease?

Added to the raised issue.