Hassio via proxmox nfs?

Hi guys,

I have a running hassio via proxmox with the plex plugin. I also have a nas with all my media. How can I get NFS shares to work?
I have tried to mount using fstab or just by mounting them via ssh but it simply doesn’t allow me.

Anyone any idea?


Bad setup for what you want. Even when you get the nas into an hassio readable state (by docker cli into it) a restart or update will revert all changes.
I use hassio on Ubuntu and/or Debian directly - therefore installed Plex normally on the system. (I would really like the add-on)
But after you using proxmox… couldn’t you just fire in an second vm and install Plex in there?

Thanks for your reply. I indeed tried to CLI my way through, got it and then it was gone after a reboot.
But fortunately I own a synology nas and installed the plex package there, that worked!
I would like to see more freedom for the hassio image though because although it has plenty options for addons it still doesn’t allow modifications for the more advanced users

I’m also running the system inside Proxmox. In fact the problem you are facing is exactly the purpose of docker: it’s like making a “little VM” for every process without any mods, only configuration. The gold rule is that you don’t want to open a CLI and modify the docker container, but instead keep it clean and make/modify the buildfile to get the mods at the creation of the container.

For what you want to do, I would suggest three options:

  1. Putting a Plex container in LXC (via Proxmox). This way you will use the power of the Proxmox hypervisor instead of HassOS (but you can still keep, like me, Hassio in a VM if you prefer it over the Python install method of Hass)

  2. If you prefer and want to get Plex inside Hassio, you can just install the AddOn “Portainer” and install a custom Plex server image with the config that you want. However I would not recommend this method as you could be prone to headache with the complexity of such environment with hypervisors in hypervisors …

  3. The last option is the one that you used, install the Plex package on your NAS if you can do that or on another computer. Plex is the kind of program that is fair enough to be run on a NAS as it’s the purpose of such hardware. But again for the futur, if you already have a Proxmox setup and enough power on the computer, putting program like that to an LXC (or VM) container is in my sense the best idea.

You aren’t running a hypervisor inside of a hypervisor. Hassio is literally running on Docker. HassOS is a docker host. Running it in a VM is perfectly acceptable.

I already run plex on my Synology :slight_smile:
After everything else failed I just used the package for synology and went from there.
It’s really nice and hardly uses any power.

Yes, you’re right. I’m was maybe a little too fast by wanting to keep my message simple.

But it’s was only to say that if you have a Proxmox setup, you’re better to use it for that kind of container because you can use all the cool features as snapshot, loadbalancing, replication, virtual ethernet routing…

The only advantage I can see of using docker containers inside HassOS is for the integration to HA and the new Ingress fonctionnality. For example, I’ve a Node-Red container dedicated to HA running in HassOS but another Node-Red LXC container running in Proxmox for tinkering everything else that is not HA related (mainly for work).

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