Hassio visible in network but web gui not accessible #2

after SD Card corruption (32GB) on Raspberry Pi 3B+ - after 1 year - I excahnged the SD Card.
New Card is a 64GB Card - I

  • flashed the same image as before
  • restarted the Pi
  • Pi is available with same IP as before (hassos_rpi3-2.12.img)
  • GUI is not available - after 1h30min now

How can I approach this issue via console?
What to do after login as root?


What do you mean? Stuck on onboarding? Error loading?

The onboarding screen didn’t appear.
The GUI via is just not available.
But I can login via command line and my router shows the IP connected.

  • I have now flashed the Card again , this time with the newer image “hassos_rpi3-5.9.img”

Now the welcome screen direct appears and I will wait for onboarding.
Problem solved by flashing again. Actual image.

Not the case, just a friendly reminder, to add the S in https, after you enable any relevant addon :slight_smile: