Hassio will not boot

Hi not sure what’s happened but i came home this eve unable to connect to the UI via duckdns or directly so rebooted.
Looking through configurator Many of my platforms are not loading, or showing any error messages and i am unable to log in, i’ve Checked the password file in case i had been hacked but thats ok
I’ve tried rebooting again 3 times and still no error messages, apart from being unable to connect to firetv but thats normal. I did get a notification that mttq was slow to load but nothing more. I normally get notifications on several platforms being slow to load.
I have not changed anything except upgrade the system a few days ago, but it was working ok although had locked twice needing a hard reboot since then.
Any clues were to start? I can get into configurator but thats about it so will need pointing in the right direction if you want me to find files outside the config folder.

I did notice the first time i tried to log in to configurator via duckdns this pm that the ssl certification had expired, which is odd i thought it was an auto renew. I have then tried to log in on its IP address and still no joy to get into the UI.

Any clues?

Ive found the true issue now so ignore this post. I’ve opened a new one