Hassio will not Update to 0.93.2

Hassio will not Update from 0.93.1 to 0.93.2, when I try to Update, after about 15 seconds, the word “Update” turns Red, and the Update notification, does not go away. It has been updating, ok since I installed it starting with 0.89.1

Check for errors in the HA log (dev tools, info ) and system log (Hassio System page).

If, and only if, there is nothing relevant there try updating from the CLI.


The Logs didn"t show any errors, related to Updating. But, it did noticed, 2 errors for the Recorder. So, I looked at the config directory, and saw that the
“home-assistent_v2” database file, had become too large. Once I deleted the file, I was able to do the Update.

Note: I am running HASSOS on Proxmox, on a HP DL3320 Gen8. And I only allocated 6GB for the hard drive, Going to bump it up to 32GB