Hassio + with EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats


You can probably use the unit listed, but essentially a esp32 wroom 32d (onboard antennae) or esp32 wroom 32u (external antennae) will do. In theory a battery could work, but I do not think that it will last long as wifi uses a bit of power. So just a simple USB adapter will do.

I’m not sure if ESP home can do this, we developed this for the Tasmota code. A Pi (a model which supports BLE) will probably work, but it implies that you will need to use different software (like EQ3 on Pi), but obviously that will need a different integration in HA. The main reason for using ESP32 is that they are cheap (around USD 5) and you can place them around the house without too much hassle at a reasonable cost)

I’m new with HA
I setup a ESP WROOM with Tasmota Bluetooth
I can see my EQ3’s TRV in Tasmota ESP Console and also the MQTT Messages are sent out.
But I’m not able to integrate them in HA.
I did the setup as you described. → On 26-OCT-2021
I’m trying out several things since days

modes: [off,heat,auto,idle] --> Removed "idle" because it's not a valid mode
mode_command_topic: cmnd/eq3_devices/EQ3/... --> replaced "eq3_devices" by my %topic%

Tried with setOption19 0 and setOption19 1 no succes

By accident I upgraded one EQ3 TRV to new FW 1.36 → Is there an option to downgrade back to 1.22. this one seems to work. Others seems to have troubles ?? don’t connect to tasmota-bluetooth

Any idea or typing error in the example ?

A Pi (a model which supports BLE) will probably work, but it implies that you will need to use different software (like EQ3 on Pi), but obviously that will need a different integration in HA.

Ok, sounds like i could use my rhasspy pi (without hass.io) already in this room then together with this: GitHub - Hypfer/Cybele: BLE to MQTT Gateway for Smarthome and IoT Devices to bridge it via mqtt to hass.


Yeah, idle might now work but it shouldn’t impact the config.

Also, we have not seen any issues with firmware versions, although I can’t remember seeing 1.36 (I believe the highest version reported was 1.4 something).

Anyways, to rule out HA, can you try if you can talk to the trv from the tasmota console:
trv state

(The MAC address starts with 001A22)

If that doesn’t work, you have an issue toaking to the trv and need to resolve that first.

In the mean time i figured out that the problem was in configuration.yaml

mode_command_topic: cmnd/eq3_devices/EQ3/EQ3livingroom/mode

should be → For all lines stat…,cmd…, tele…

mode_command_topic: "cmnd/eq3_devices/EQ3/EQ3livingroom/mode"

FW 1.46 makes troubles with HA
From Tasmota Consloe all commands are working
But your example for reading the sensor value for the valve isn’t working.
For FW 1.2x it does.
Any idea to downgrade firmware ??
How did you build your example on 18-NOV-2021, locks really good :slight_smile:


Good that you made some progress. I do not understansd the issues which you are having with 1.46. If it works fine from the console, then the only thing I can think of is that the format has changed.

Can you show the stat output as received in the mqtt message, as that might give a clue.

The screenshot is essentialy from Mini climate card:

  - type: custom:mini-climate
    entity: climate.livingroom_radiator_climate
    name: werkkamer
    icon: mdi:radiator
    secondary_info: hvac-mode
      action: more-info
      entity: sensor.livingroom_valve
      style: "(value, entity) => ({ color: 'black' })"
          icon: mdi:power
          name: 'off'
          icon: mdi:weather-sunny
          name: heat
          icon: mdi:clock-outline
          name: auto
      unit: '°C'
      fixed: 1
      # use an external temperature sensor
        entity: sensor.atc_livingroom_temperature
      hide: on
          template: () => 'mdi:valve'
          style: >
            (value) => (value > 80 ? { color: 'red'} 
              : value > 40 ? { color: 'orange'}
              : value > 0 ? { color: 'yellow'}
              : { color: 'green' })
        unit: '%'
        round: 1
          entity: sensor.livingroom_valve
          template: () => 'mdi:water'
          style: >
            (value) => (value > 80 ? { color: 'darkblue'} 
              : value > 50 ? { color: 'blue'}
              : value > 40 ? { color: 'lightblue'}
              : { color: 'grey' })
        unit: '%'
        round: 0
          entity: sensor.atc_livingroom_humidity

I was trying to use cybele, but got an error. Then i found ble-mqtt-gateway at GitHub - zewelor/bt-mqtt-gateway: A simple Python script which provides a Bluetooth to MQTT gateway, easily extensible via custom workers. See https://github.com/zewelor/bt-mqtt-gateway/wiki for more information.
It has an docker and it seems to work. I put it on my raspi 3b+ with rhasspy.
I configured it using config.yaml and startet the docker. The Thermostat appeared in home assistant without further action, i only had to add the thermostat card to lovelace.

Maybe as an FYI for everyone, these are now deprecated. I noticed while debugging something else.

But has anybody managed to also create a device to go with these entities? Without a device certain other automations or yaml configurations become more difficult.
There must be a way to define a device to go with these entities (sensor & climate).

I’v e not looked into this. , but it seems that we still have some time to reolve this as the final support for these topics is HA 2022.9.

preset_modes and topics replace the hold modes. I haven’t tried anything yet, but I guess this would be a starter.

preset_mode_command_topic: cmnd/eq3_devices/EQ3/EQ3livingroom
preset_mode_command_template: "{ preset_mode: '{{ value }}'}"
  - "auto"
  - "manual"
  - "off"
  - "on"
  - "boost"
  - "lock"
  - "unlock"
  - "day"
  - "night"
state_topic: stat/EQ3/EQ3livingroom
state_value_template: '{{ value_json.mode }}'

Seems like 2202.7 is breaking it due to Phyton Upgrade to 3.10

Can you please explain, as I do not see how this is related to the Python upgrade.

These integrations rely on the bluepy and pybluez libraries, which no longer work in newer versions of Python. bluepy has seen its last update in December 2018 and hasn’t kept up with changes in the Python world.Similar story with pybluez .

Correct, this is the generic EQ3 implementation using Bluetooth on the HA server.

In this topic we are mainly discussing an implementation based on ESP32 runningTasmota. This implementation is MQTT based and does NOT use the Bluetooth drivers on the HA server.

Hope this explains

Ah sorry for causing such a hustle! :see_no_evil:

No worries, we’ve all been there every now and then.

Haven’t updated to 2022.7 but the prospect of losing my EQ3’s has nudged me in the direction of trying the EQ3 on ESP32.
Previously had poor result with ESP32 before ( about 3 feet range) but this time I used an ESP32 nodemcu devkitc U with an a pigtail to a sma connection. Used an old 2.4Ghz antenna from a router I bricked.
Have to say so far I am impressed. Have already removed one of my RPI zeros that I was using to connect to distant EQ3 ( these would not be affected by the update to 2022.7 as they stopped being supported last year)

I ask myself, will it never be possible again?

Yes, of course someone will fix it. I think it might stimulate more interest if more people on analytics selected to show their integrations. Only 36 active integrations. Come on there must be more HA users with EQ3! There are several alternative ways of making it work if HA itself doesn’t fix it.


Yes I will not update to 2022.7 because of the eq3 itegration not working.

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teprrrTeemu RGreat contributor



Moi, the fix for eq3btsmart is already in the 2022.8 beta, so if you have a chance please try it out to see if it works for you now :slight_smile: