HassOS installation/network problem on Intel NUC

I suggest you install Proxmox VE (PVE) and then run HAOS in a VM. This is a more powerful combination and allows massive flexibility to your system.
Please check my guides if you wish how to install PVE and then HAOS. Tomorrow a new HAOS architecture guide is coming to give you a few ideas why installing HAOS in a PVE VM is the sound choice.

PVE Setup Guide,
PVE Architecture

HA PVE Setup Guide,
HA Config Guide

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My problem is that when I disable the WiFi and Bluetooth in the BIOS configuration, HassOS doesn’t restart properly and loses the Ethernet connection. What could be the problem?

Can you provide screenshots of your BIOS pertaining to networking, USB and PCI.

Ok, I fixed my issue by reinstalling HAOS and restoring a full backup.