HassOS not working anymore after subnet change

I have my homeassistant running in a VM, I changed the ip/subnet of the VM machine. After reboot the homeassistant VM is not on the network anymore.
When I run nmcli in the command interface I get ‘Getting IP configuration’.

I did not set a static IP address, the “Internal url” of homeassistant is still the old ip could that be a problem?

Does anyone know a fix for this?

Are you using HassOS as part of your Home Assistant? If yes…
What does the GUI Supervisor->System-> “Host” show for the address and see if you can fix it there.
You could go into the console or ssh to port 2222 and run nmcli con show to see what profiles you have, and if you have one that lookslike Supervisor enp1s0 then run nmcli con show 'Supervisor enp1s0' and see if the ipv4.method is set to auto.

I was not able to connect to home assistant at all no internet connection was working, I used a usb stick with the name ‘CONFIG’ to setup a static ethernet ip, after that the home assistant install was working again.