Hassos on Compute Module 3+

Wondering if hassos can be flashed and run out of CM3+ eMMC?
Should I rebuild hassos adding cm3 board and dtb?

Don’t know if this is possible, but I would recommend just using any ubuntu/debian install and put docker and hass.io on top of that. Or is there a specific reason you want to have HassOS?

Thanks and was just exploring HassOS to have an out-of-the-box solution.
I now have installed on CM3+ 32G + waveshare CM PoE board an ArchLinux 64 (need to tweak dtb) with hass.io on top (-m raspberrypi3-64).
So far so good


hassOS is compatible with CM3 but only withe the 32Bits release.

It doesn’t work with the 64bit release , I don’t know why.

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@pitp2 thanks! I have a CM3+ and 32bit version works! 64bit don’t! :open_mouth:

I tested this: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/12.1/haos_rpi3-12.1.img.xz

HI guys!