HassOS RPi2 Razberry Google Assistant Z-Wave

I have a Razberry 1 installed on RPi2. I had one Fibaro Motion sensor added with temperature, luminescence, tamper alarm and motion showing in HA. I also have Chromecast added to HA. When I sync devices to Google Assistant using HACloud I only see 1 device (chromecast) in Google Assistant’s hass.io skill.

How can I use Hassos with this? my config is simple:

I have tried the following too:

        - zwave
        - sensor
        - binary_sensor

No luck. any advise?
Does my HA need to be accessible via the internet?

Here is the list of domains supported by Google.

Thanks, How would I map binary_switch to switch domain?

There’s no such thing as a binary_switch. Did you mean binary_sensor? If so, have a look at the template switch.