HassOS stops booting out of the blue

Dear HassIO fans,

My Raspberry Pi 3B+ screwed up my sd card again…

The router does not recognise the Pi anymore, all remote control doesn’t work anymore, yellow LED blinks only the first second after booting, when using HDMI the screen is only black. There was a nice HassOS config on it for a month or so. This is happening for the fifth time. Tried to change the power adapter, changed from Domoticz to HassIO, bought other SD-cards, nothing works. I’m using a 32GB Samsung EVO card. I’m using a 3A power adapter. After a while having loads of fun it just crashes and won’t reboot. Anyone any idea what is happening? Was trying to get a backup working, and the next day it stopped working… getting very annoyed about it…

When I flash my 8GB Sandisk SD-card with HassOS the Pi starts working normally. So I would like to understand how to get my config back and make sure it won’t crashes again. I already got the advise booting via SSD, but I was hoping there would be cheaper solutions. I would like to understand what is happening after a while, because I felt it was working great!

Thanks in advance!
