I’ve got the Jablotron 100 integration (JA-103K) installed and I’d like to have the lights turn on in the section where the alarm was triggered. But I don’t see any option to get that value from the integration.
I’m a relative beginner when it comes to HA, so apart from creating a large, bulky if-then statement with all the sensors to create a input value helper and having the lights go on based on (changes to) that helper, what would a better solution be?
I don’t know anything about this alarm system but generally speaking if you want to turn on light you should use some alarm pir sensor. Create trigger when some_pir_sensor goes form off to on or whatever turn on some light.
But this is just a lame automation. Because your pir sensor probably doesnt have a clue is it day or night or what brightness level is.
For that you will have to use some presence sensor. This days they are relatively cheap unless you need some super - duper presence sensor for some reason.
But then again it’s better to make it yourself as it will be much better than they sell.
Alarm should be used for it was made for. So you can make integration to turn on your alarm when no one is at home, or to turn alarm on some parts when you go to sleep etc.
@ddaniel I don’t want to implement a separate presence sensor. The alarm system already has those. I want the system to know when a alarm-related sensor in a specific room returns a value whenever the alarm is triggered (door sensor is open, motion sensor senses motion, etc) –so I can turn the light on in that room so we immediately know which sensor activated ánd there’s already a light on at night so we can check it immediately.
So the gist of my question is: is there an easier way to know which sensor activated? Creating the trigger is exactly the issue here; the alarm doesn’t have a “this sensor is triggered” entity that I can see, and I don’t want to create a large, bulky automation / ‘If-then’ structure containing all sensors separately when I don’t have to.
I’ve read something about grouping entities/devices but I’m not sure how to single out the triggering sensor somehow, which another automation can read the location of.
I want to stress: it’s not specifically for security purposes. Our system has a connection to an external control room -not related to HA- so if there’s something wrong the alarm company will call us or the police anyway. So I also don’t want to turn the alarm on based on automations because then HA ‘knows’ the code and I don’t feel good about that in terms of security (but I have got automations that are triggered by the alarm turning on or off).
I don’t have that alarm system. I have alarm from amc electronica x824. This alarm system can be connected to their clould and there is android app to control it. One nice guy wrote integration for it. I did my part and made some testing so we can improve it. I don’t quite get your problem because all my pir sensors have attributes like this
and states pending and triggered.
When any of alarm pir sensors is triggered it change state from pending to triggered regardless if alarm is on or off.
So first thing you might do is to check pir possible states and attributes and go from there. Maybe you might need to create sensor from attribute value, i don’t know. I’m guessing. But problem might also be in the integration you are using.
I can see which sensor is triggered per the attributes of each sensor, but I’ve got loads of sensors in my home. So if I had to create an if-or-then statement to determine which sensor is triggered, that’s a lot of “or’s” to include, since I’d have to have the automation check each sensor.
Ideally in the main alarm system ‘sensor’, there would be an attribute which says: “sensor triggered” with the input “Front door”, for example. That would make it easier, but that’s not included.
Does this clear things up?
(sorry for the late reply, haven’t been active with my system and thus on this forum for a while)
Well then basically, imho, you have a problem. You want to turn on light if ie. kitchen alarm pir sensor is triggered at night.
If you don’t have entity kitchen alarm pir sensor then you can not use it as trigger nor you can know it this pir sensor has changed state in ha because motion is detected.
You can maybe buy or make human presence sensor and use this as a trigger for individal rooms.
I don’t know is that is true solution. If you want to do something when pir sensor is triggered then you must have integration that will provide pir sensor state. Everything else is more or less guessing what is going on.
I don’t have one entity that says “x sensor is triggered”. However, I meant that I can (I think) automate this in terms of ‘if alarm is active and if door sensor is opened / motion sensor sees movement > then do something’. So essentially program it myself, because I do have all the sensors accessible in every room. I don’t need to buy new sensors, but given all the sensors of my alarm system, it’s a big automation.
Hopefully the integration will update sometime to give me that info!
Well actually there is one thing you can try to do if this is wired alarm system and pir sensors are wired back to alarm panel.
You can find relay board that supports esphome or mqtt and connect it to alarm panel.
Connect power to alarm board panel connectors and outputs to pir sensor output on board.
This should give you state of the pir sensor and change state when pir sensor change state.
I tried that will shelly uni when there wasnt amc integration for home assistant.
You can get pir sesnor state but you can’t controll alarm with it.
I tried that on my alarm that is wired. It is not that complicated. I tried that with shelly uni.
Just find relay that use the same power as alarm system.
Wire it from alarm power connector, usually where power for sesnors is wired and wire n and nc if i remember correctly.
It should change state when pir sensor change state but that is all. You can only see occupied clear but you will not, verly likely, get state that alarm is triggered by some pir sensor.