Would be really nice, and very much in line with taking out the _template suffix at several places (data_template:
and service_template:
in scripts ), if we could simply use icon:
in the template (binary) sensor configuration https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/template/ and https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/binary_sensor.template/
right now, it is not clear we can simply use
icon_template: mdi:toggle-switch
which is, by all means, incorrect, because it isnt a template. Officially we would need to customize the (binary_)sensor with a single icon. Or create fake template:
icon_template: "{{'mdi:toggle-switch'}}"
easiest would be to have the config always use icon:
, which accepts both a fixed icon, or a template.
btw, same goes for entity_picture:
. we can use
entity_picture_template: /local/afvalwijzer/plastic_saver.png
which of course isnt a template… so why not delete the need for the suffix there too.
please consider?