I’ve been having some issues with a couple of integrations.
Philips Hue
Irobot Roomba
Ikea Tradfri
DSMR Slimme Meter
I need to restart these integrations on a regular basis to keep everything running fine. Some integrations needs to restart daily and others atter a couple of days.
Instead of daily reboots (which don’t help), I would like to know how to investigate this further so that I can fix the issue or formulate the issue better.
I hope you can help with tips to troubleshoot this.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: I’m running Home Assistant 2021.12.2 but this has been going on for a couple of weeks now. And I installed it on a Raspberry PI 4 4GB.
OS is Home Assistant OS 7.0
Not much help, but I had to restart my Hue integration last night. The night before it was the zwavejs integration. In both cases devices simply stopped responding. I’ve never had to do that before. I’m on 2021.12.2.
So I’ll be watching to see if anyone has any ideas.
Are you able to use home assistant when issues occur?
How do you notice problem? I’d expect some log file if integration has trouble and HA running. It should detect this condition.
These type issues I start looking at SD card first if using.
next verify system state when problem occur
Networking OK
SSH into Pi and check memory and storage. Is it full. What about cpu?
Next check any log on system during time of occurrence and also try to determine time of day it occurring. Look for pattern that may point to something . Logbook in HA may give info on times of problem as well
Yes, Home Assistant works fine when an integration stops working.
One way i noticed that in case of RXFCOM or Hue, lights doesnit turn on with the automation. Roomb doesnt start when an automation is triggered. Or that the Energy tab isnt updated with power usage if the DSMR Slimme Meter stops working.
I tried to investigate this in the logs, but i can’t find any issues in the logs. Will look again if anything comes up.
I can also reinstall Home Assistant on a new SD card, i’ve got a new one laying around.
Resources on the PI are fine, but i will match them with the time the issues occur.
I will update this weekend again, Will reinstall Home Assistant on the new SD card tomorrow.
Don’t know if those are local integrations or remote(connects through vendor server) but also consider if it is network related, as in cannot access WAN but local IPs LAN are OK.
DSMR Slimme Meter
This is a USB connected to the power meter. So no network involved.
RXFcom is also USB connected (433.92MHz sender receiver)
Ikea Tradfri, Philips Hue is local connected. Irobot im not sure, i would say also local connected.
I tried to clone the SD card yesterday evening, but that failed. This evening i will try again, I have a clean install of Home Assistant OS on a new SD card and i will restore a backup from the old card to it.
I’ve been testing with moving the usb devices to other ports. And it seems that the USB3 ports are having issues.
I will test some more and I want to change the raspberry pi as well since I have the same type laying around.