I’m wondering if any of you have used the SPI Led Zigbee controllers that are now on Aliexpress.
Do they connect to Zigbee2Mqtt or ZHA? Are you able to make them “gradient” like Philips Hue?
I am thinking of putting up an extra-long LED strip inside of a diffuser channel. I don’t want to go down the ESP home and whatever other options. As I was looking for Zigbee LED strip controllers, I noticed that some have SPI in the title and with very few reviews that don’t give me information. They must be super new.
Wondering if any of you have tried them and if you have been able to make them work. I would love to add them to a Philips hue hub. In the absence of that, it would be great if an LED strip could mimick the hue gradient effect by setting something up in home assistant.
(I noticed that there are also some RGB dynamic LED controllers on aliexpress with some reviewers indicating that they have been able to add them to ZHA. I would much rather have RGBW than RGB. The RGB ones are also recent. The oldest reviews seem to be from August)