Haveing trouble adding "input_select: !include input_select.yaml" to configuration.yaml

When adding “input_select: !include input_select.yaml” to my main config “configuration.yaml” then run a configuration validation I receive a error of :

“Configuration invalid
File not found: /config/configuration.yaml”

If “input_select:” is added alone all checks good.

I tried to do this on my main Linux\docker\Hass.io and on a test VM Hass.io install.

I tried to restart the test VM with “input_select: !include input_select.yaml”. And I also receive “2019-06-25 09:49:50 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] File not found: /config/configuration.yaml”

How do I Correctly split out input_select: to it’s own file?

but I have to say that it would look good
Thats my include section:

scene: !include_dir_list scene/
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
binary_sensor: !include binarysensor.yaml
panel_iframe: !include iframe.yaml
weblink: !include weblink.yaml
device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml
#notify: !include notify.yaml
light: !include lights.yaml
switch: !include switch.yaml
zone: !include zones.yaml

maybe its just the missing file
create the file and add


to it


That worked.

However it did not work by creating the file on a windows box with notepad+. It worked by creating the file from the Configurator add-in editor.

I don’t know why.
And it waaay passed bed time and I don’t care.
It works. So it all good :smile:

Thank for help

Probably because you have notepad++'s EOL (end of line) set to Windows format (CRLF) instead of Unix format (LF).

Check Settings/Preferences/New Document

You are correct Tom_l

I have been bitten before by the (CRLF) .vs (LF) It a simple thing to forget when working in mixed environments.

And I’m almost ashamed to say, it had me again for close to 4 hours past bed time. :blush: