Having a hard time moving from Smartthings to HA Managed zwave

I recently decided to purchase an Aeon Gen5 to replace my Smarthings… Several things about ST I didn’t like (cloud and lack of configuration for my smart locks amongst other things). I have about 45 zwave devices in my home (lights, temp sensors, door locks) and all of them were managed by ST for about 3 years. I took a few of my dimmers and moved them off smart things to my new Aeon and HA component (zwave, not zwave2mqtt or open zwave beta). The first thing I noticed is the snappy ness of how fast the lights turned on when I hit the switch on my HA GUI. But then issues started happening (which I know others have)

  • Switch in HA will go off… then on… then off.

  • HA not updating after I physically turn on / off the device

  • Delay in HA registering that the device has actually turned off

I have done a lot of searching and tried different
polling_intervals form 1000-60000
delays from 1-10
refresh_values true / false
polling_intensity 0 / 1 / 2 etc

Nothing gets it working correctly.
I have a mix of GE zwave+ and Linear zwave dimmers and switches and I know that these switches do not have the HAIL command.

Help me NOT go back to Smartthings
what I am confused about, if these switches don’t update the controller when they have a state change (either physical switch or from the application) how the hell does Smartthings do it?. For Smartthings it is anywhere from 5-7 seconds for HA to update after a physical switch flip and no off-on-off characteristics. For my HA implementation (non-smartthings) it averages 45seconds to 5 min and sometimes it doesn’t even update. Even when I set poling down to 1-5 seconds, watching the logs it will take 1-1.5 min for the switch to be issued a Polling.

I have tried multiple switches in the house with multiple distances from the controller.
I have tried to exclude and re-add
I have power cycled the USB dongle and rebooted the physical system.

Help please :slight_smile:

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I have the same Z-Wave stick, and I have several models of GE/Jasco switches & dimmers. What I’ve found is polling is necessary for any devices that are not Z-Wave Plus. Also, any switch that is wired in a “3-Way” configuration (i.e., has one or more add-on switches connected.) And refresh/delay is needed for all dimmers.

Following are the relavant bits of my config. (BTW, I configured usb_path & network_key via the UI, but those could also be in configuration.yaml, which is what I did before they could be configured via the UI.)


  polling_interval: 10000
  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml

Some samples from zwave_device_config.yaml:

# Model 12727 non-Z-Wave Plus switch
  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 1
# Model 14292 Z-Wave Plus switch
  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 0
# Model 12718 non-Z-Wave Plus dimmer
  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 1
  refresh_value: true
  delay: 4
# Model 28167 Z-Wave Plus dimmer
  ignored: false
  polling_intensity: 0
  refresh_value: true
  delay: 4

The dimmers, by default, take 2.97 seconds to transition (unless you specify an exact brightness, in which case they switch immediately.) Setting refresh_value to true tells HA to go back and re-read the state of the switch after it’s had a chance to fully transition. The time HA waits is controlled by the delay parameter. I found using 3 didn’t always work, but had much better luck using 4.

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much, this actually helped immensely for my GE switches, very quick and responsive. I still have the GUI showing the off-on-off behavior through.
My Linear WD500Z are still having issues taking 45seconds to 5 min to update

I have been looking at the OZW log and there are errors but, there are errors across the board, not just a few single Nodes and my Door Lock is showing a LOT of errors (but it still workes and is connected securely)

2020-06-09 19:23:48.863 Error, Node010, ERROR: ZW_SEND_DATA could not be delivered to Z-Wave stack
2020-06-09 19:23:58.862 Error, Node010, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2020-06-09 19:24:01.663 Error, Node005, ERROR: ZW_SEND_DATA could not be delivered to Z-Wave stack
2020-06-09 19:24:11.662 Error, Node005, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2020-06-09 19:31:43.703 Error, Node009, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2020-06-09 20:03:19.272 Error, Node007, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2020-06-09 20:34:31.404 Error, Node007, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2020-06-09 20:57:57.119 Error, Node006, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)

Do they take time to transition from on to off or vice versa? Did you set the refresh parameters for them? Did you use a long enough delay?

Did you run a HEAL NETWORK?