Having issues with the Custom Wake Word

hi so i followed instructions to make a custom wake word… and used the google thing

i tried the example khum_puter. one and i did the one i wanted also “fritz”
but took longer then an hour to make a 2 files that are only 200kb i figured for over an hour the wake words be lot bigger then a 200kb file.

when i use it… it it doesnt seem to work. i try multiple times doesnt like it

i did then re do it and changed the default training to like 40000 like it says to go higher then 30k… it took like 10 hours to get 2 files… and after 10 hours it also only 200kb yet still doesnt work…

the defaults like “ok nabu” works… but these 200kb files not working am i doing something wrong… is there a better option then the google page. to make these wake words… how was “ok nabu” made so far i cant get the khum_puter or computer to work… or “fritz” which i trying to make work…

any help be great