I have been trying for a while to use NGINX reverse proxy, and prior to the release of this add-on I was trying to use the community letsencrypt reverse proxy but couldn’t get it to work. I have removed letsencrypt and added the NGINX SSL Proxy Manager add-on but I can’t get it to work.
I am running a Ubuntu 18.10 server with Docker installed and Hass.io 0.92.2. (Which seems to be working fine). The community add-ons are also using their own Docker containers.
As I already had a Duckdns domain pointing at my router **.duckdns.org I was trying to use this with the proxy manager and it is showing as unknown status with an amber button in the dashboard. I have attached a couple of screenshots of my Proxy Host and the dashboard. I have tried both the ip address of my Home Assistant and also the homeassistant host name in the config.
Also, the log file of the add-on keeps repeating this
[19:25:02] INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] module “ngx_stream_module” is already loaded in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:4
I have followed the guide published by @frenck and have defintely messed something up but not sure what as there isn’t much you can configure. I would really appreciate any help you could give.
Thank you