Having issues with the NGINX SSL Proxy Manager add-on

I have been trying for a while to use NGINX reverse proxy, and prior to the release of this add-on I was trying to use the community letsencrypt reverse proxy but couldn’t get it to work. I have removed letsencrypt and added the NGINX SSL Proxy Manager add-on but I can’t get it to work.

I am running a Ubuntu 18.10 server with Docker installed and Hass.io 0.92.2. (Which seems to be working fine). The community add-ons are also using their own Docker containers.

As I already had a Duckdns domain pointing at my router **.duckdns.org I was trying to use this with the proxy manager and it is showing as unknown status with an amber button in the dashboard. I have attached a couple of screenshots of my Proxy Host and the dashboard. I have tried both the ip address of my Home Assistant and also the homeassistant host name in the config.

Also, the log file of the add-on keeps repeating this

[19:25:02] INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] module “ngx_stream_module” is already loaded in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:4

I have followed the guide published by @frenck and have defintely messed something up but not sure what as there isn’t much you can configure. I would really appreciate any help you could give.

Thank you


Have you figure this out yet? I wish I could help but I’m have issues as well. I can’t seem to get in with https. I can use http just fine though using this addon. I wonder if it has anything to do with Ubuntu because that’s what I’m running HA on as well.

Have you managed to fix this issue?

This was the solution for my issue:

I’m not sure if it should have been automatically created but as soon as I created the directory /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-7 and used chmod to permission it to 700 I was able to create the certificate and can now access my HA instance through SSL.