Having problem with buying HomeAssitant Blue

I’m using HA couple of years and I want to introduce it to people in my country.
It’s easy to get started with HA blue, so I’m going to introduce this one.

HA blue is distributed by Hardkernel in Korea, so I contact them and ask “Is it possible buying HA Blue in Korea?”.
They say
"Orders can only be ordered outside Korea. If you order from Korea, we will cancel your order. HA Blue is sold to US users and European users. "

So I ask HomeAssistant team, is there any way to buy HA blue in Korea?

Just buy an odroid n2+ and install ha os.

I need HomeAssistant pre-installed devices.

@frenck Can you help me?

Please do not tag the developers for assistance. Thanks.

Why, can’t you follow simple instructions?

It’s easy for me and you, but not easy for someone.

I have to say, if you cannot follow these steps, with the pretty pictures to guide you, then home assistant is not for you.

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Thanks for your reply, but as I said, it is easy for me.

" I’m using HA couple of years and I want to introduce it to people in my country.
It’s easy to get started with HA blue, so I’m going to introduce this one. "

Thanks. Can you tell me where to ask?

How about using a mail redirection service? There’s plenty of them that use USA address’s and then forward the goods to you anywhere in the world.

The other name is drop shipping.

That’s it! I knew I was wrong in the terminology as I’ve never actually used it before. Thanks