Having problems with Alexa intents

I had Alexa configured with some Intents and working as expected for a week, I went abroad for 10 days and when I got back, it just doesn’t work.
I can see the request coming to HA on the logs but right after it, it shows:

ie: 2017-07-29 21:29:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alexa] Received unknown intent WeatherIntent
And Alexa states: This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant.

Haaska and Flash Briefings (which is configured on the same alexa.yaml) work well.
Anything I am missing? :slight_smile:

Did your system update to 0.50? If so, you have to change where the intents are defined. (see breaking changes on 0.50)

My apologies, this is what I’ve done at the end of the day, forgot to come back and update the thread.
Cheers, treno.


I have the same problem with api.ai.

When I migrate to version 0.5x I changed the intents to adapt configuration to the new version.

My intent_scripts.yaml looks like https://github.com/hokus15/home-assistant-config/blob/master/intent_scripts.yaml

My configuration.yaml file has the following (see it complete https://github.com/hokus15/home-assistant-config/blob/master/configuration.yaml):


intent_script: !include intent_scripts.yaml

The log file says:
[homeassistant.components.apiai] Received unknown intent device.check

api.ai states:
This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant.

The device.check intent is defined in intent_scripts.yaml configuration file.

Prior to the update everything was working.

What I’m doing wrong?

Many thanks!


I didn’t realize that in the intent configuration you need to add the text field into the speech. I did it and it solved my problem.

I’ve just send a pull request to update the documentation of the api.ai component,
