Having problems with uint32 type with templates

Hello, new user here.
I am having problems with uint32 type.
I read a value from modbus tcp. The value is obtained like this:

# Futura modbus
  - name: "futura"
    type: tcp
    port: 502
      - name: fut_mode
        address: 16
        count: 2
        data_type: uint32

The “fut_mode” is a status variable, containing 22 bits, every bit has a certain meaning. As you can see, it is located in two adresses (16 and 17) in the modbus, therefore, I have to read count:2

This returns the value:
fut_mode = 16777216
which means the bit number 8 is active 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000

Now, the problem I am facing is to create a binary sensor using Templates to present this status bit.
This is my code:

# Futura binary signals
  - binary_sensor:
      - name: fut_mode_bit_08
        state: "{{ int(sensor.fut_mode)|bitwise_and(16777216) != 0 }}"

For some reason, this does’t work.
I suspect it has something to do with the uint32 type, because when I this into dev tools - templates:

{% set sensor = {
  "fut_mode": "16777216"
} %}

{{ int(sensor.fut_mode) }}
{{ int(sensor.fut_mode)|bitwise_and(16777216) != 0 }}

it is working ok and returning 16777216 and True

But in the above configuration.yaml, it is showing the fut_mode_bit_08 as unavailable

Any help?

s tímto problmémem ti bohužel nepomůžu, jsem stále celkem nováček.
Mám ale na tebe otazku a prosbu, zda se ti podařilo nejak slušně nakonfiguroavat komunikaci s Futurou. Mohl bys mi případně poskytnout tvoji konfguraci? Čtení dat by mi celkem šlo, ale nedaří se mi zapisovat do holding registu 300-305 (externí tlačítko) a 400-405 (externí čidlo). Nebo řesněji řečeno Fututa na to neraguje (boost se nespustí a a ni se neobjeví v aplikaci externí čidlo). Taky bych chtěl mít možnost zapnout cirkulaci a boost (kde se nastavuje časove trvání) nějakým tlačítkem či posuvníkem.