Having Trouble with Bond Integration

Keeping in mind that I’m knew to Home Assistant and it’s possible I just don’t know what I’m doing.

I’m having trouble with the Bond integration and my Smart by Bond fan.

I have a Lutron Pico Fan control and trying to use the up/down arrows to set the fan speed.

I’ve got something that looks like this so far:

alias: Increase Artemis Fan Speed
description: ""
  - platform: device
    device_id: 756446a6231738e09de9448a9bc7d3e8
    domain: lutron_caseta
    type: press
    subtype: raise
condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8baec98e443ce3a333636890fd119e21
    entity_id: fan.artemis_fan
    domain: fan
  - if:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: fan.artemis_fan
        attribute: percentage
        state: 0
      - service: bond.set_fan_speed_tracked_state
          entity_id: fan.artemis_fan
          speed: 17
  - if:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: fan.artemis_fan
        attribute: percentage
        state: 17
      - service: bond.set_fan_speed_tracked_state
          entity_id: fan.artemis_fan
          speed: 33
mode: single

A few issues immediately presented themselves.

  1. Setting the fan speed is not straight forward. I would have expected to just set the device state fan percentage to the right value. But that’s impossible, it doesn’t show as choice. Then I found the service way of doing it but it doesn’t work. I get the following error:
Stopped because an error was encountered at September 10, 2022, 10:13:09 PM (runtime: 0.37 seconds)

The bond API returned an error calling set_power_state_belief for fan.artemis_fan. Code: 405 Message: Method Not Allowed

So the way I’d expect to do this isn’t there and the way that is there doesn’t actually work.

Also as shown I was trying to set conditionals based on the percentage steps. So if it’s 17 skip to 33 and so forth.

But even though the interface says the first step is 17 when it gets pulled by the if it says it’s 16.

Rounding error maybe but why?

Am I going about this all wrong? How would someone do this so that it actually works.

Would love some advice or help from someone who’s gone down this road before.