Having two home assistants

Just change the address in your browser’s address bar.

I use the app. It is not comfortable. Thought that there is a nice solution for that.

What app do you mean?

Home assistant companion. ios app.

Perhaps post in that part of the forum then. Or move the post to there (not sure if you have to be a moderator to do that)

Any suggestions? Also need to get notifications from both Home Assistant. Is it possible?

This is something I’ve been looking into also. IMO, the best way to do it is likely going to be actually connecting the two instances as master and slave. There’s actually a component that does this fairly straightforward-ly, but it’s pretty new, was introduced without much fanfare, and I can’t remember the name. So. What I have right now is this custom component (I think?) which I found via this forum post, though there are many like it. Good luck.

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If you want to do this currently (and if you have an iphone) without any custom component you could install the 1.5.1 version and the 2.0 version of the ios app. Connect the one app with Home A and app 2.0 with Home B.

I should note that as far as I know the testprogram is no longer accepting new testers so if you do not have 2.0 already it will be hard.

In any other case the custom component would probably do the trick!

Actually, it should not be a “trick”.
It seems to be important, would like to hear @robbiet480 comments on that. Will we see in near future opportunity to use two or more Home Assistant in ios app? With notifications and etc.

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My thoughts: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-iOS/issues/161 (ps, next time check GitHub issues because 9 out of 10 times it’s been thought of already and I’ve weighed in :smile_cat:)

Nope, beta is still wide open and will stay that way. Almost 3,000 testers now.

Oh, that is really sad
In that way we do not have notifications from second house (it seems to be more important than other disadvantages).
Really will be waiting for that feature. Hope that not only i am interested

Ok, guys, if you need that too - make sure you say that, so Robbie can hear it:

And think not only for today. I did not think that I would make parents house smart too, but I did. Maybe you will do similar thing in future.

I agree, will need that

today is the day on which the beta app expired, so one cannot use the dual use scenario through different apps anymore - does anymore found an appropriate solution for multiple HA instances yet? would be nice, to have that awesome sensors in both homes :slight_smile:

I don’t really know where Home Assistant is going now with that. Because it is must have feature, sooner or later it should be in every smart home system. But I do not see that ios app developer is going to do that
Here is github post

i have read that post too, but i think its a lot work with that app so that there will be less time for extra features. A workaround would be to extend that beta testing phase, so people using the app for more than one instance of home assistant can enjoy the pleasure of having this nice app with all the included sensors :slight_smile:

my hope for the meantime goes to the community, perhaps someone has got a tricky solution and is willing to share :blush:

a few days later if someone is still searching for a dirty solution for this:

i use remember the milk as let us call it server, which can be accessed through node red (you will need the rtm palette) and do some api-calls: so here comes the part with the two instances - its actually very simple - u create a list on which everyone writes his information (in my case it only triggers notify at the other instance which runs with the app) and the other instance pulls every minute or so the list from remember the milk via nodered apicall.

so if a desired state will happen in the monitored instance, this instance will set a signal to the list. the master instance pulls the list and gets the signal +start some notify action + deletes the signal from list.

till now this works really reliable, i have some concerns with data security so my list only contains numbers which got hardcoded push notification in nodered of the master instance, but that doesnt really solve the problem.

I still hope on someone other who can better manage a way to let two instances of ha communicate.

i could also use something that allowed the companion app to control 2 HA install more native so i do not have to use tricks etc

why not have an option that allows 2 or more installs to be added in the app configuration?


If your grandmother’s house is on other network, you will have to set up remote access for that Home Assistant.

Then you can access that home assistant by doing this:
Go to => Home Companion App => Settings => Home (or the name of your Home Assistant) => External URL => [Put your grandmother’s Home Assistant Remote Access URL].

It should work.

I haven’t tried this personally, but I faced some IP Conflict and resolved it using this technique, hence I know this should work.

Do lemme know if it works.

Thanks and Cheers!