Hayward AquaLogic / ProLogic automation

Thank you very much. I will check it out!

I decided to buy and try https://a.co/d/9XOrNTT (HF7211 / EW11) Wifi to RS485 before spending too much effort running wires and found (like others) that the 10ms Gap Time / UART free-frame gap time was causing horrible results in toggling switches, but tweaking the UI to allow setting the Gap time to 1 ms and forcing the post strangely did work and has resolved my issues allowing me to reliably toggle controller settings:

The javascript validation disables the submit button, but you can remove that disabled attribute in developer tools and hit submit.


Hello Felix,
could you please provide update on this solution if it reliably continue to work well over time? I currently have a USR-W610 like many others, and cannot control lights or pump due to the timing issue. Looking for something that works over wifi.


Hello Felix,
wow, what a discovery! I have replaced my USR-W610 today by Elfin EW11 RS485 to wifi adapter, changed the gap time to 1ms as per your trick above… and voilà!!! It works as well for me! I can now control filter, lights and aux switches over wifi! Timing issue no longer seems to be a problem. I’ll further test it the coming days and post an update here.

Thanks a lot!

Could you please describe in detail how to hack it so you can set the gap to 1. I’m not familiar with the Developer Tools. Thanks

I think I was able to figure out how to get the Gap Time to 1ms but I’m still not able to activate the switches, although their state is reporting correctly.
Could it have something to do with the old Aqualogic boards only toggling the switches rather than on/off?
My next step might be to abandon the EW11 and get an RS485 to Ethernet adapter. I’m guessing that it’s a 50 to 75 foot run from my board to the nearest Ethernet. Would it be better for me to run RS485 cable for that length or the Ethernet, if I’m concerned with latency?

I didn’t know what adapter tech would end up working, so I ran 50-ft of direct-burial ethernet from the pool panel to ensure all options were open. The cable terminates at an RS485-to-USB adapter, and works great. I did twist a couple of the wire pairs together at each end for the RS485 leads, no idea whether that was actually necessary.

Some updates regarding the hack shown above from Felix: still working after 2 weeks. However, not consistent response 100% of the time. And response time is not immediate. Usually take several seconds before the switch changes its state.
Altough not perfect, I am fine with this as I cannot run a network cable in my backyard. Wifi is still the only way to connect.

Mine is still working as well. I agree, sometimes its not immediate, but have not had instances of the toggle not taking after a few seconds.

Next weekend I’ll likely move the adapter outside at the actual pool controller (currently connected to a remote keypad I have inside my home), and will see if I can just leave the device in the controller enclosure and if that extra wifi distance + interference causes issues.

Sure, here’s the steps (in chrome but similar in other browsers)

  1. Set the gap time value to 1 (normally)
  2. Right click the submit button and click “Inspect” image
  3. Expand the Elements section of Dev Tools to look like:
  4. Right click on the word “disabled” and click Edit Attribute:
  5. Press delete to remove “disabled”: image
  6. Now you can click the Submit button

I’ve been reading this thread but haven’t seen anyone with this exact issue. Anyone have this issue… I purchased this adapter and i could see everything in HA but when i would toggle a switch it would end up toggling several buttons on the Prologic board at the same time.

I’m not sure if i maybe got a bad unit though because now it seems totally unresponsive even though i can see it on the DHCP lease still. I’ll probably try to return and replace it if i can’t get it back online but i was curious of other experience.

WOW! Can you share more details about this solution. Did you used the default AquaLogic integration? AquaLogic - Home Assistant

Then, if you have some photos of your wiring on panel :handshake:


I’ve been pulling my hair out over the two speed pump setup. So I have two buttons that do correctly reflect the state of the running pump, BUT, I can not use them to get into low speed at all. Selecting the ‘low speed’ button does nothing. If I use the ‘pump’ button to turn it on, then it always goes to high speed. Selecting it again, will drop it to low speed for a few seconds and then it will go to off.
I’ve manually loaded the 2.6 code into the custom_configurations directory, and changed the following line: self.multi_speed_pump=True.
Still no change.
I thought I had done what I needed to get 2.6 laid down right, but it’s not picking this up.
Any thoughts? What am I missing?

I’ve got a EW11 coming either tomorrow or the day after and im going to rely heavily on your project. Ideally, Id write a homebridge plugin for my Homekit automation but I really appreciate the effort you put in.

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Just got the EW11A :fire: RS485→Wi-Fi

Planning to set it up tomorrow and would love some pro tips from the community.
Any recommendations are highly appreciated! :handshake:

Can you share more details of setup on unit, and settings? :smiley:

The IOTService app isnt available any longer. All I get is a openvpn app inside a rar. Can you send me the IOTService executable or share it from a new place as it looks like Hi-flying.com has screwed up their release.

Have you tried here:

Then Downloads

I did… They forgot to package it in their recent dowload it looked like. Either way, I got creative and went to archive.org and got an old version of the page. Found an older version of the download, then installed it and then I could update it to the recent version. Weird.

I installed the EW11 into my Hayward ProLogic and I have everything set up per the research others have previously done (thanks!). Reading is good, but the toggling either through cli.py or through the HA UI is still very erratic. I am unable to establish consistent interactions with the system as of right now. I’ve tinkered with the EW11 scripts, core.py, timings, etc. I just cant seem to nail down my confidence that this is just a massive waste of time with my current set up.

If anyone else has a Hayward ProLogic system that they are getting near 100% operability, i’d love to chat and compare my configuration with yours.