Hayward Pools LOCAL integration announcement!

I have been working for the past few months on a custom HACS integration for Hayward OmniLogic/Hub/PL pool controllers. If you have one of these, I know what you are thinking, why make another integration? there is already one in core, and another one in HACS… well, this one offers LOCAL API control. This has been a feature that I have seen requested multiple times, and it’s finally here! I worked with the creator of the previous (and excellent) integrations, as well as a project manager at Hayward to get this developed.

Before we get too far, lets cover a few things that you should know up front before using it:

Now the fun part:

The integration code is available at GitHub - cryptk/haomnilogic-local: A Home Assistant integration for Hayward OmniLogic/OmniHub pool controllers using the local UDP api, and it utilizes an open source library available at GitHub - cryptk/python-omnilogic-local: Python Omnilogic Library for local access, everything is licensed Apache 2.0

There is quite a bit of functionality in the integration already, this is covered under GitHub - cryptk/haomnilogic-local: A Home Assistant integration for Hayward OmniLogic/OmniHub pool controllers using the local UDP api, but here is a quick rundown of the highlights:

  • Multiple devices for your backyard and each body of water
  • Control of variable speed pumps including buttons to activate your speed presets
  • ColorLogic light control
  • Relay control
  • Heater control
  • Chlorinator control (timed-percent mode only, need to find someone with an ORP sensor to implement that)

This announcement is going in a few places, and while I will try my best to keep an eye on the various spots, I have enabled GitHub Discussions to hopefully centralize any questions/discussion about the integration, you can find those at cryptk/haomnilogic-local · Discussions · GitHub

If you run into any problems, please feel free to open an issue at Issues · cryptk/haomnilogic-local · GitHub


This is awesome ! Thank you ! Will be adding to mine to start testing !

Seriously - THANK YOU for this! I am so excited to no longer be dependent on Hayward’s flakey servers!

I installed a few hours ago, and so far it is looking great. I did have to change a few automations.

For example, this:

      - service: omnilogic.set_pump_speed
          entity_id: switch.pool_pump
          speed: 25

Had to change to this:

      - service: number.set_value
          entity_id: number.pool_pump_speed
          value: 25

But otherwise it seems stable, and definitely faster than the cloud version.

I know it is still early, but curious - Do you have any plans to try to eventually move this into HA core?

Sorry for the late reply, right after I made the announcement I had some family issues that I had to take care of.

That change is expected, wherever possible, I’m attempting to use Home Assistant native entities rather than custom services (and so far I haven’t needed any).

Getting it into core eventually is not off the table, but it’s not the primary focus yet. I want to make sure it’s stable before I work on that.

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Been using this integration since the announcement with no issues.

Great work.

First, thanks for you work.

A simple question, its this integration compatible with Hayward AQUARITE FLO ADVANCED, im desperated with this controller.


I am still a newbie, the functionality looks very nice but I am not sure how to configure. The repository is now in HACS. I have a static IP for the controller.

Does the configuration.yaml need to be edited?

For a more simple solution does this work with any cards?