I just wanted to drop this here as a datapoint in case someone has the same issue. After upgrading to 0.96.3 my rtl_433 setup (which uses the built-in rtl_433 mqtt client to send mqtt messages) can no longer connect to the embedded hbmqtt broker. It must be some kind of quirk between between the rtl_433 mqtt client and the new version of HA, because mosquitto_sub / mosquitto_pub can still connect just fine. Here is the command I’m using
rtl_433 -F mqtt://,user=homeassistant,pass=myrealpassword,retain=0,events=rtl_433/raw -R 20
rtl_433’s logs are unhelpful:
Jul 23 05:54:27 unifi docker[7848]: MQTT Connected...
Jul 23 05:54:28 unifi docker[7848]: MQTT Connection failed...
Jul 23 05:54:29 unifi docker[7848]: MQTT Connected...
Jul 23 05:54:30 unifi docker[7848]: MQTT Connection failed...
I don’t get useful logs from HA either. Just the following repeated over and over again. Perhaps there’s a way to get better logs:
Jul 23 04:54:12 house-pi hass[456]: 2019-07-23 04:54:12 INFO (MainThread) [hbmqtt.broker] Connection from on listener 'default'
Jul 23 04:54:13 house-pi hass[456]: 2019-07-23 04:54:13 INFO (MainThread) [hbmqtt.broker] Listener 'default': 6 connections acquired
Jul 23 04:54:14 house-pi hass[456]: 2019-07-23 04:54:14 INFO (MainThread) [hbmqtt.broker] Listener 'default': 7 connections acquired
Downgrading to 0.95.4 fixes the issue. Not a huge deal, I’ll probably just move to mosquitto since the docs say hbmqtt is deprecated.