HDD Management in Home Assistant OS - How to Enable Idle Mode?

Hello Home Assistant Community!

I hope you are all doing well. I have a question regarding HDD management in Home Assistant OS. I have connected an external hard drive to store my database backups, system backups, and media files. Since the hard drive is not used continuously and only accessed occasionally, I’m looking for a way to put it into an idle mode or standby mode when it’s not in use to conserve power and increase its lifespan.

I was wondering if there is a built-in feature, recommended add-on/plugin or terminal that can help me achieve this in Home Assistant OS. Ideally, I would like the hard drive to spin down or enter a low-power state when it’s not actively being accessed.

If anyone has experience managing external hard drives with Home Assistant OS and knows of a solution to enable idle mode, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. Please share your knowledge or point me in the right direction to configure this efficiently.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

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Just edit the Configuration .yaml file and add:

hdd_idle_seconds: 180

and save / restart. You can check in the log file for an entry like:

sdb spindown

after the time you set passed (and there was not active use of the drive of course).

Hope this helps.

Documentation can be found here:

hassio-addons/sambanas/DOCS.md at master · dianlight/hassio-addons (github.com)

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