Hdmi marix switcher

Trying to setup hdmi matrix switcher with home assistant,I tried sending commands through nc but no change and error occurs in the log,and how to send commands through udp

what switcher? what is “nc”?

maybe just curl command is enough. so command line switch integration is what you are likely going to use. or maybe rest command integration with HA automation that calls it

Thanks for your reply
https://www.rakuten.com/shop/hdtvsupplyinc/product/HDTVSXMX08-5/ is similar to the device i would like to control using HA. I tried sending hexadecimal string to the device using Netcat (nc) command but didn’t workout. could you please share some example to send hexadecimal string to the device using curl :slight_smile:

You have sample command you trying to send.
I try control this unit before and I think I was unsuccessful as well

command_on: echo -n “hexadecimal string” | nc ip-address port

from linux “man netcat”

-u Use UDP instead of the default option of TCP. For UNIX-domain sockets, use a datagram socket instead of a stream socket. If a UNIX-domain socket is used, a temporary receiving socket
is created in /tmp unless the -s flag is given.