HDMI/Original LCD Touch

Well using HA on RPI3b+ but for some reason I dont have LCD showing nothing…
Also try to conect to HDMI monitor also get black

Any idea?

Config.txt issue?

What are you expecting to see on the LCD? HA is meant to run as a headless server. If you want to access your dashboard, you have to do it on another device in your network.

No possible to run for example the Kiosk?

On the same device that’s running HA? Sorry, no.

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You should get the command line interface.

If i remember correctly Pi only checks hdmi ports on startup, so you must connect monitor before you power on Pi, or restart pi after connecting monitor, otherwise it can happen that picture won’t show (properly), or in best case resolution will be “funny”.

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will try that just to “know”. But I can’t use to “mirror” HA

Correct, if the config setting is left as auto (IIRC), but you can force the setting to HDMI, then you can plug a screen in at any point.

In config.txt:

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You could probably run a docker install on raspberry pi os and run a browser to access ha.