Header Buttons in Entities Card configuration / "hold-action"


I’m pulling what hair I have left out over this one. I saw today that you can have BUTTONS configured in your Headers. I like to have a Button configured with a “hold-action” rather than a “tap-action” to fire a Script.

I can get the “tap-action” working no problems
But for the life of me, I can’t get the “hold-action” to work.

Here is my yml, if anyone can see what I’m doing wrong and has experience with this, the Wife will be eternally grateful as I’ve been ignoring her for 5 hours now

type: buttons
- entity: script.basement_heating_toggle_basement_radiators_on_and_off
icon: mdi:radiator
name: Heating
action: none
action: perform_action

format it properly

Should be like:

  action: perform-action
  perform_action: script.xxx

Thank you for your help