Header disappear after 1 seconde

Hello every one, My nas docker home assistant is just upgrade to 0.100.0
this work but I lost the hearder (with custom header) since the upgrade.
when I make a refresh I see the header rapidly and it disappear.
What Can I do ?

Santé du système

arch x86_64
dev false
docker true
hassio false
installation_type Home Assistant Core on Docker
os_name Linux
os_version 4.4.59+
python_version 3.7.7
timezone Europe/Paris
version 0.110.0
virtualenv false


dashboards 1
mode storage
resources 13
views 19
1 Like

Same here, since the upgrade i lost my header, first i thought that was a browser issue (cache problems, etc…), but even on my App and on a another pc was the same, so i had to uninstall it so i could see my headers :frowning:

Hello I remove the custom header and the header is come back

Hello I remove the custom header and the header is come back

Hi !
Yes ive uninstalled the Custom Header plugin form HACS, so i could have my header tabs showing again.