Hear multiple microphone inputs at the same time

Im new to home assistant. So far ive tested lots of things and everything could be accomplished. In my case I use ESPhome devices to open locks, output sound, detect sensors, change light, etc…
Now im wondering if its possible to have a microphone on each room (using an ESPhome device with a I2S microphone), and hear all the rooms at the same time from the web UI.
I have HASS installed on a docker container in a linux PC, I monitor the HASS from the web UI via browser in that PC.
I need this for monitoring 5 rooms, and if someone talks I need to hear it, but can not be switching the input hearing one at a time. Its like an intercom.
Does anyone know if web UI can playback several audio streams at the same time, coming from several inputs on devices?
Thanks for your help!