Heat based zigbee fire alarm?

So I bought a Heiman zigbee (optical) smoke detector for my garage. Which in itself seems to work very well.

However, it gets very humid in the garage from time to time, and as I expected, this triggers the smoke detector.

I haven’t been able to find a temperature style zigbee fire alarm for use in such conditions.


What conditions? I expect that simple zigbee temperature sensor can detect if your garage temp is suddenly raising.

…humid conditions where an optical sensor is no good.

Yes, I could probably set up a normal temperature sensor. I just wish I knew more about how heat based fire detectors are programmed to behave (that is how would a fire affect the ambient room temperature?).

Worth noting that it is a quite large garage (two cars) with a tall ceiling.

I see… Some sensitivity adjustment would help to not detect “fog”. Temp sensing works well, but it’s not detecting initial state. Let’s say you have some wires starting a fire, smoke detector would give alarm quite immediately giving you a chance to save almost everything. Temp sensor trickers when you have strong fire already on.

I just discovered that there is such a zigbee heat fire detector from the brand Frient: Intelligent Heat Alarm - Zigbee heat and fire detector for smart home - frient

Don’t know if you have bought them or have issues. But the Frient lineup seems to have issues with Zigbee native. Pairing is a “nightmare” but will work when paired. Zigbee2MQTT seems more reliable.

Frient Smoke Detector / ZHA - #55 by Tuxforce