…humid conditions where an optical sensor is no good.
Yes, I could probably set up a normal temperature sensor. I just wish I knew more about how heat based fire detectors are programmed to behave (that is how would a fire affect the ambient room temperature?).
Worth noting that it is a quite large garage (two cars) with a tall ceiling.
I see… Some sensitivity adjustment would help to not detect “fog”. Temp sensing works well, but it’s not detecting initial state. Let’s say you have some wires starting a fire, smoke detector would give alarm quite immediately giving you a chance to save almost everything. Temp sensor trickers when you have strong fire already on.
Don’t know if you have bought them or have issues. But the Frient lineup seems to have issues with Zigbee native. Pairing is a “nightmare” but will work when paired. Zigbee2MQTT seems more reliable.