Heating and Cooling Degree days/hours

Did anyone implement the use of HDD and CDD to monitor their heating/cooling energy consumption?



I think an integration would be a great idea!

Currently, I have HA storing daily heating and cooling runtime values in a text file which I can import into a spreadsheet. I also download the HDD and CDD values occasionally so I can do some analysis.

But obviously having that data in real time in HA would be handy. Even just the ability to add HDD and CDD to HA’s daily summary file of heating and cooling runtime would be huge.

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I guess you could calculate this on an hourly basis throughout the day with a automation that adds the new result every hour to the previous aggregated result throughout the day.
Or use a daily average temp to calculate on a daily basis.

Good point. With access to ambient temperature you could calculate these values yourself.

I was thinking more in terms of a way to grab the data from the government site. They’ve already done the calculations. Interesting that, according to the link in the OP, they use median and not mean. I never knew that. So that means all you need is the high and low for the day, and the math is pretty simple.